If the seed is excellent,

the result shall be exceptional.

In order to attain that level of excellence we had an amalgamation of things that gave us the right push we needed. Apart from having a clear vision, we are also blessed with a team of qualified and hardworking individuals, world-class infrastructure, and a well-defined business model which propels us to reach great heights. At Sagarlaxmi, we have visionary leaders who keep proving their leadership level with each passing milestone.

Hooker Award

In 1972 Sagarlaxmi was bestowed with the Hooker Award by the Government of India for releasing the first Bajra hybrid HB-3 in 1968. Bajra is considered to be the most important cereal in India. And in those years, to come up with such a revolutionary seed, meant a lot as it positively impacted the food grain production.

Dr. J. V. Majmudar

Lifetime Achievement Award

For outstanding Research Contribution in the field of Pearl Millet Improvement By Hon. Minister for Agriculture & Co-Operation, Gujarat State on 31st August 2009

Then in the year 1975, Sagarlaxmi received the Hariom Mota Ashram Award for the work on Bajra hybrids. Our biggest recent achievement was the production of Castor hybrid Sagar Shakti. This hybrid is equipped to resist high levels of biotic stresses like wilt and root rot diseases. Biotic stresses can be detrimental to plant as it disrupts its normal metabolism.

Second in line was the high performing Pearl millet (Bajra) hybrid, SAGAR–205 and SAGAR-222 which are highly resistant to Downey Mildew. This seed got widely accepted by farmers during the Kharif and summer season. We also created a sick plot where the screening of diseases resistance castor products was done. This helped us identify our strength and greatly impacted our scientific prowess. Our hybrid products have successfully impacted the growth of farmers, which has also led to our growth.

One of the biggest boosts to our R&D department were the highly skilled experts who we have employed. Their knowledge and commitment have helped us reach this far. Having expanded our marketing network in Gujarat has also enabled us to increase our sales.

Sagarlaxmi also carried our on-farm activities to impart knowledge to farmers and educate them in order to increase their technical understanding of our new hybrid seeds. In this manner, we accomplished expanding our network as well as create a greater impact within.

We strive to have a closer relationship with our dealers and distributors as it facilitates trust and faith. For creating a loyal channel, it is important to win the confidence of everyone we work with. And at Sagarlaxmi, we have succeeded in building great relationships with our dealers and distributors. Some of us have been staying with us, ever since we started out.

Our large-scale seed production activities have been supported by our effective and efficient in-house quality control team. This enables us to give our best and become the first choice for every farmer.

Achievements at the team level

Our team of experts have not just impacted our business and growth but has also made us proud with their commitment. Dr. RM Shah was awarded the Honorary Ph. D degree by Gujarat Agricultural University in 1975. In 1996, he was bestowed with Sardar Patel Agricultural Research Award by the Government of Gujarat for developing the best variety of seeds in Guar. In the year 2008, Dr. RM Shah received the Lifetime Achievement award by Gujarat State Seed Producers Association.

Dr. FC Chaudhary, Dr. AV Aglodia received the GAAS award for the release of GCH-7 castor.

Having reached this far and achieved so much, we still feel that there’s a lot left to be done. Therefore, we shall continue to strive and come out with ground-breaking research to develop hybrid seeds. This is our way of adding value to the farmers’ lives as well as to the nation’s development.