
Research Hybrid Castor Seeds


More number of branches

Semi spiny variety

Wilt resistance

Oil percentage is high

Gives more yield in compare to any other variety coming besides

Stem Color: Red

Bloom Double


Wilt resistance

Each spike, long & spiny

1, 2 & other spikes comes very fast

Yellow flower doesn’t come in the bottom of spike

Stem Color: Red

Bloom Double


Semi spiny

Wilt resistance

Each spike comes with same size

More no. of capsule in each spike

Highest no. of branches as per our data

Higher yielding capacity

With same irrigation facilities, it can perform better then other verity going besides

Stem Color: Red

Bloom Double


Rough & tough variety in castor

Highly wilt resistance

Loss spiny variety

Very high percentage of oil

Stem Color: Red

Bloom Triple


Green stem variety

More wilt tolerant than certified green variety

Each spike long & compact

Triple bloom variety, so very less chances of suckling past & jassid