Research Hybrid Paddy Seeds


Maturity day: 90-95 days

Bold grain size, non sticky and testy for food

Plant height medium: 120-130 cm

Higher yielding hybrid variety

Suitable for sowing season: kharif and rabi


Grain medium long fine cylindrical

Maturity day: 115-120 days (Kharif)

Maturity day: 120-125 days (Rabi)

Plant height: 125-135 cm

Spikelet long & fully fill up, so give higher yield

BLB disease tolerance

More number of tillers

Suitable for sowing season: kharif and rabi


Grain fine long cylindrical

Maturity day: 125-130 days (Kharif)

Maturity day: 130-135 days (Rabi)

Plant having more number of alluring so give bumper yield

Drought resistance

Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) disease tolerance

Plant height: 130-140 cm

Spikelet long and fully fill up with grain

Suitable for sowing season: kharif and rabi